6 Things to Keep in Mind while visiting the Best Paediatric Cardiologists in Kolkata

Apr 27, 2021

Children can also be affected by a number of heart conditions just like adults. Some of them include the structural differences they are born with, while the others involve the electrical system that controls the heartbeat. Pediatric cardiologists are doctors who are specially trained to diagnose and manage the heart problem in children. If you have a concern about your child’s heart, you need to discuss with your pediatrician whether referral to a pediatric cardiologist is needed.

If your paediatrician thinks that there are some issues with your child’s heart, he or she may refer your child to a paediatric cardiologist. Paediatric cardiologists are doctors who are specialized in diagnosing and treating heart problems in children.

The best cardiologist doctors in Kolkata practice across all major hospitals, polyclinics, nursing homes and their own private clinics.

The Role of Pediatric cardiologists in your child’s wellbeing

Children have very different kinds of heart problems from adults. As an example, it may be said that heart attacks in children are very rare, but children are more likely to be diagnosed with a heart problem that they were born with. Pediatric cardiologists are specifically trained to diagnose and treat the heart problems that affect children.

Heart problems can sometimes be complex and they can come with other difficulties for children, for this very reason, pediatric cardiologists also often work in teams with other health care providers. These healthcare providers include:

  • pediatric heart surgeons
  • cardiac anesthesiologists
  • Neonatologists
  • cardiac pediatric intensivists
  • pediatric radiologists
  • pediatric nurses
  • Nutritionists
  • speech, occupational, and physical therapists.

These teams of experts have extensive training and expertise to address the special needs of children with heart problems. And these people are particularly attuned to the needs of the children.

Deciding Factors

While visiting a paediatric cardiologist in Kolkata, here are the 6 things you need to keep in mind:

  1. Recommendation of your Primary Care Paediatrician– It is advisable to go with the recommendation of your child’s primary care paediatrician. Not only will he/she know about the best paediatric cardiologist in Kolkata, he/she can also advise what is the best for your child.
  2. Reputation of the Doctor – Before choosing a cardiologist for your child, check the online ratings and reviews of the doctor.
  3. Credentials of the Doctor – Check the degrees and credentials of the paediatric cardiologist you will consult for your child.
  4. Affordable Cost – Check if the visiting fees of the doctor is affordable.
  5. Nearness to your place for any emergency – It is not necessary to travel a long distance to visit a pediatric cardiologist. Consider a good paediatric cardiologist in Kolkata who practices somewhere near your home in case of any emergency. Discuss with your primary care physician to get the proper guidance.
  6. Communicate your needs and make sure you consult the right doctor – Before you make the first appointment with a pediatric cardiologist, make sure to call his/her office or clinic or the place he practices and discuss your concerns. 

 Team of Experts

AccuHealth: A trusted place to consult the best paediatric cardiologists in Kolkata

AccuHealth Diagnostics is a chain of diagnostic centres and polyclinics with branches in Baruipur, Kasba and Barasat areas. If you are a resident of one of these areas and looking for a good pediatric cardiologist for your child, you can certainly visit Accuhealth for a doctor’s consultation.


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