Importance of Quadruple Marker Test: Check Certain Birth Defects in Your Baby

May 16, 2022

Importance of Quadruple Marker Test: Check Certain Birth Defects in Your Baby

Pregnancy is an important milestone in a woman’s life. She prepares to give birth to a life that will be an extension of her persona!

However, it can also be ridden with challenges — both physical and emotional — for both the parents-to-be and the immediate family. It can be world-shattering to discover that the baby may be born with certain birth defects. Though it is only 1 in 720 babies that show signs of growth abnormalities, there are recommended pregnancy tests that can help to put your worries to rest.

The quadruple marker test is an important one to take during the second trimester months of pregnancy. Interested to learn more? Read on.

What Is The Quadruple Marker Test?

The quad screen or quadruple marker test is conducted during the second trimester to check for genetic/developmental/chromosomal disorders like Down’s Syndrome in the unborn child. The presence of congenital anomalies could lead to miscarriages.  It also helps the doctor to detect other problems in the baby’s central nervous system, like the brain, spinal cord, and nerve tissues.

The reliability quotient of the test is quite high as it can effectively detect Down’s Syndrome in at least 90% of cases. It indicates the risks of continuing a difficult pregnancy where the child may have been detected with birth disorders.

When Is The Quadruple Test Suggested In Pregnancy?

The quad screen test can be taken anywhere between the 16th and 18th week of pregnancy. Though not mandatory, it is still advisable for all pregnant women to undergo the quad test. Women at risk are those over 35 years, and with a family history of birth defects.

How Is The Quadruple Test Performed?

The quadruple marker test is a simple prenatal blood test where a sample is drawn with a needle from your arm and is sent for analysis to a laboratory. No special preparation is required.

Results of Quadruple Marker Test:

Showing normal levels of estriol, HCG, AFP, and Inhibin-A (the four components that the test screens in the mother’s blood) in blood during pregnancy is a reason for celebrating motherhood with greater rejoice as it indicates a healthy pregnancy with a healthy baby in the womb. Here, AFP is a protein made by the baby, HCG is a hormone that is released by the placenta, estriol and Inhibin-A are other hormones released by the placenta.

However, if the quad screen results are not compatible with the normal range, the doctor may order additional tests like an ultrasound or amniocentesis.

Quadruple Marker Test Cost In Kolkata:

The average quadruple test cost in Kolkata is 4000/- (INR). Quadruple marker test cost varies from 1600-3200/- across 19 cities in India – Hyderabad being the lowest, and Bangalore being the most expensive for this maternal screening test.


More than anything else, it is the baby’s well-being that a mother cares for the most – even before she gives birth. Why give yourself a trying time worrying about the unknown? A simple blood test is all that it will take you to wind down.

Get in touch with us @ to get yourself and the baby tested at an affordable price that no one offers yet in Kolkata. We believe in keeping your health and peace of mind before anything else!


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