5 Benefits of USG Whole Abdomen Imaging at Accuhealth Diagnostics Barasat

Sep 27, 2023

Do you want to have a fair idea about Ultrasound Whole Abdomen – what is it, whole abdomen USG rate in Kolkata, its benefits and the best place to have it done, then continue reading this blog.

What is USG whole abdomen?

Ultrasonography Whole Abdomen or USG Whole Abdomen in short is a medical technique used to examine inside your abdomen such as liver, gall bladder, pancreas, kidneys including abdominal blood vessels. Being a safe, painless, non-invasive and quick procedure, USG, today has become a popular detection technique.

USG, an imaging method uses high-pitched sound waves to produce images of internal organs of abdomen. It is used to identify, diagnose, and treat numerous diseases and monitor disorders affecting the abdomen and its parts.

Top reasons to get USG whole abdomen

  1. Can be used during pregnancy: An USG whole abdomen test can be used during your pregnancy to determine the approximate delivery date and the size of your baby. This also detects some problems and disorders, if any, like birth defects, placental issues, etc. Since it is done externally, this process is safe during pregnancy.
  2. Painless:

    As whole abdomen USG test does not require cuts and pricks, it is painless. The device called transducer, is rubbed against your skin over the area that needs to be examined. Sound waves are transmitted to capture the images of your organs through which the doctor can examine, monitor and treat your problems.

  3. Safe & Less Risky:

    An USG is a safe and less risky medical procedure since it does not use ionizing radiations, unlike other screening procedures which can be harmful. An USG uses sound waves and echoes that take images on monitors to diagnose defects in organs.

  4. Versatile Imaging:

    An USG gives a better imaging with soft tissues. From monitoring baby’s size to defects, if any, from problems in ovaries to fallopian tubes disorders, and others an USG helps determine many such examination with ease.

  5. Non-invasive: An USG whole abdomen procedure being non-invasive, helps detect whether a lump is benign or cancerous.

How do you prepare for the test?

Before undergoing an ultrasound whole abdomen test, you should avoid food and drinks for 8 hours. This prevents gas formation in your belly area that could have an effect on the result. Your doctor will give you further instructions about the preparations before the test.

Why USG whole abdomen is performed?

To check certain conditions, given below, doctors recommend an USG whole abdomen test.

  • Enlarged organ like liver, kidneys
  • Gallstone disease
  • Hernia
  • Stones in kidneys
  • Pancreatic disease
  • Tumour
  • Liver cancer
  • Appendicitis

USG whole abdomen test price in Kolkata

A number of factors depend upon the whole abdomen USG rate in Kolkata. Though locations, how modern the lab is, availability of doctors, services are important parameters, there are certain other factors that can increase the USG whole abdomen cost in Kolkata. Some modern and well-decorated labs tend to charge high by offering locker provision or gaudy ambience often charge high prices.

However, at AccuHealth Diagnostics, Barasat, we are well-equipped with modern gadgets, renowned doctors and expert medical staff, complemented with quality services to carry out an array of USG scans at an affordable rate.

For more information on the whole abdomen USG rate in Kolkata, give us a call today!


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