A Mini Guide to the Liver Function Tests to Help You for Sure

May 07, 2022

Liver function tests (LFTs), also known as liver chemistries, are blood tests that offer doctors a window to assess a wide range of liver issues in patients. LFTs provide information about different enzymes, proteins, and other compounds like bilirubin in your blood and determine your liver health.

When Is a Liver Function Test Suggested?

Your liver does all the crucial work necessary for your health. It helps break down the food, cleanse your blood, store energy, and make proteins and enzymes, among other vital functions.

LFTs are performed to assess how your liver is functioning and help to diagnose liver disease such as hepatitis or conditions like cirrhosis. Sometimes, they can also help monitor side effects of certain drugs. When an LFT detects enzyme or protein levels above or below the normal range, it can indicate a liver problem.

You may be suggested to get a liver function test done if you have symptoms like:

  • Dark coloured urine
  • Yellowish eye or skin(Jaundice)
  • Lack of appetite
  • Pain in abdomen
  • Diarrhoea
  • Weakness or feeling fatigued
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Swelling of belly (less common)

However, sometimes you don’t notice any of these above mentioned symptoms. Still your doctor may ask you to do a liver test. More likely so, if you:

  • Have an alcohol disorder, a condition where you are not able to control how much you drink
  • Have a family history of liver disease
  • May have been exposed to hepatitis virus
  • Are an obese and also have diabetes or high blood pressure.
  • Are under medication that can damage your liver

A liver test can be given also to help the doctor to monitor how well a treatment is working or whether an illness is getting worse.

How Should You Prepare for LFT?

Your doctor will give you instructions on how to prepare for the test. They may advise you to stop taking some medications a day before the test. That’s because certain medicines and foods can affect the levels of protein and enzymes in blood. Make sure to drink water as much as you can prior to this test. You may be asked to wear a loose clothing so that the sleeves can be rolled up to collect the blood sample.

Different Types of Liver Function Test

LFTs comprise many liver tests. Some common tests that are frequently given includes-

  • Alanine Transaminase (ALT) Test: ALT is an enzyme, mainly found in your liver. It helps to break down proteins. High levels of ALT in your blood could signal a liver damage.
  • Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Test: ALP, an enzyme found in your liver, bile ducts, and bone. High levels of ALP indicates liver damage, a blocked bile duct, or bone disease.
  • Albumin and Total Protein Test: albumin and globulin are the two main enzymes that your liver makes. Low levels of these enzymes might mean a damaged liver.
  • Aspartate Transaminase (AST) Test: AST is another enzyme in your liver. High levels of AST could signal a damage in liver.
  • Bilirubin Test: Body makes Bilirubin when it breaks down Red Blood Cells. Your liver naturally cleans Bilirubin from your body. High levels of Bilirubin in blood indicate Jaundice or liver damage.
  • Gamma-Glutamyltransferase (GGT) Test: High levels of GGT enzyme point to a bile duct or liver damage.
  • L- Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD) Test: High levels of LD could also indicate a diseased liver; though other conditions may be the reason behind its rise.
  • Prothrombin Time (PT) Test: This test measures how long it takes for the blood clot to form. The longer it takes to get clot, the higher is the risk of damage.

LFT prices in Kolkata can be on the higher side. Plus, for these critical tests, one must only consider the most reputable diagnostic centres. AccuHealth covers LFTs at a reasonable price in Kolkata with the best of the facilities you deserve. To know more about our LFT tests in Kolkata, get in touch with us.


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