Doctor asks to get blood test done in early pregnancy to find out the blood type and check for some infections and other health concerns. This includes rubella immunity, anaemia, HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis. Depending on the result the course of the treatment is decided.Hemoglobin Test: – Suffering from anaemia during pregnancy is a very common case. As the fetus grows, demand of different nutrients grows simultaneously in the mother’s body. This often led to deficiency of iron in blood. A blood hemoglobin test can be done separately or as part of a complete blood count (CBC).
Symptoms of Anaemia includes fatigue, poor health, or unexplained weight loss.
HIV and STD Test: – A number of diseases can get transmitted sexually. At the early stage of pregnancy it is highly recommended to get checked as it can affect the baby. The microbes can infect the baby while in the womb or at the time of birth while passing through the birth canal in a vaginal delivery. HIV and syphilis are two major concerns during pregnancy.
Determine Rh type: – It is highly recommendable to know the Rh type. If the mother’s Rh is negative and the baby’s Rh is positive, it can lead to a serious health issue for the baby. But the baby’s blood test can be done only after the baby is born.
So if the mother is Rh negative, needs to take an injection called Anti-D. This injection is given on 26 – 28 weeks and 34 – 36 weeks. And another injection is given after the baby is born if the baby is Rh positive. The blood sample is collected from the baby’s umbilical cord and the Rh type is checked.
A torch profile test is also an important blood test that is advised by doctors to be done during the pregnancy period to detect if the expecting mother has any form of infections.