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    Compare Echocardiography Test Cost & Offers in Kolkata – Accuhealth Diagnostics

    Echocardiography is a diagnostic test. Live images of your heart are produced by sound waves through this test. The image produced by an echocardiography test is called an echocardiogram. Echocardiography tests allow your doctor to monitor the condition of your heart. This test also monitors how its valves are functioning.

    These images can help your get information about the following:

    • the size of the heart. This may involve any change in the chamber size, dilation, or thickening
    • blood clots in the heart chambers
    • problems with the aorta or the main artery connected to the heart
    • problems with the heart’s pumping function
    • problems with relaxing function of the heart
    • problems with the function of heart valves
    • pressure in the heart

    Echocardiography test price in Kolkata is usually around Rs. 1300 to Rs. 1500 although it varies depending on the location and service provider.

    2D Echo Test At An Affordable Price With AccuHealth

    Although the echocardiography rate in Kolkata varies from one service provider to another, at AccuHealth Diagnostics, we provide echocardiography tests and other tests at absolutely affordable prices. Given below are the echocardiography charges for all three Kolkata centres.

    Test NameEchocardiography Test Cost In Baruipur KolkataEchocardiography Test Cost in Kasba KolkataEchocardiography Test Cost in Barasat Kolkata
    Echocardiography Test Or 2D Echocardiography Test in KolkataRs. 1250Rs. 1500Rs. 1500

    At AccuHealth Diagnostics, we have trained staff members, experienced technicians and the best doctors in town. We are well-known for the accuracy of the test reports we provide. As we have on-premises labs, our report delivery turn-around-time is extremely low. We provide reports through SMS, through our website, in-person reports. We also provide reports at doorstep.

    Why is an Echocardiography Test Performed?

    Your doctor may order an echocardiography test for a number of different reasons. For example, your doctor may have discovered something unusual in other tests. If your doctor while listening to your heartbeat through a stethoscope finds something not right; he or she may order for an echocardiography.

    Your doctor may want to inspect the heart valves or heart chambers or check the ability of your heart to pump if you have an irregular heartbeat. They may also order one if you’re showing signs of heart problems like chest pain or shortness of breath or if you have an abnormal EKG (electrocardiogram).

    You can get your 2D echo done from one of our centres if your doctor orders for an echocardiography test. Check the price table for echocardiogram cost in our Kolkata centres. If you compare the cost with other service providers in the market; you will find that Accuhealth provides 2D echocardiography tests at the most affordable cost in the Kolkata location.

    Results Of An Echocardiography Test

    Once the technician performing your test has obtained the images, it usually takes about 20 minutes to 30 minutes so that you can perform the measurements. Then the doctor can review the images. Then they can inform you of the results either at once or within a few days.

    The results of the test may reveal irregularities such as:

    • damage to the heart muscle
    • heart defects
    • abnormal cardiac chamber size
    • problems with pumping function
    • stiffness of the heart
    • valve problems
    • clots in the heart
    • problems with blood flowing to the heart while working out
    • pressure in the heart

    If your doctor finds any concerns about your results, they may refer you to a cardiologist who is a doctor who specializes in the heart. Your doctor may order more diagnostic tests before they come to a conclusion.

    If you are looking for a echocardiography test at a reasonable charge in Kolkata, you can certainly get in touch with us for an accurate echocardiography test.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the cost of Echocardiography?

    The cost of the test can vary with the place of residence in India, as also with the clinic or hospital where you are getting the Echo done. The price usually ranges from 2500/- (INR) – 3500/- (INR). However, in a place like Kolkata, you can avail the test at discounted rates.

    Is the Echo test painful?

    A standard Echo test is not at all painful. It is a simple and safe procedure, although you may experience a slight discomfort when the electrodes are removed from your chest at the end of the test.

    Is Echocardiography the same as ultrasound?

    An Echo test uses ultrasound to create moving images of your heart to check for abnormal changes in its structure and function, to see if your heart muscles and valves are working fine. The sound waves create clear heart pictures for the doctor to make correct clinical conclusions

    Can Echo detect heart blockage?

    An Echo test may not always conclusively show the presence of blockages in the arteries supplying blood to your heart muscles.

    Which is more accurate, ECG or Echo?

    The echocardiography test provides highly accurate information about the structure and functions of the heart and the results can be safely used to diagnose heart problems or failures, prompting correct treatment with early clinical intervention. An electrocardiogram test (ECG) can also be satisfactorily accurate, except that it will not always pick every heart problem. It is safer to conclude that an Echo test result is comparatively more reliable than ECG.

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